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Cordoba Logistics & Ventures Limited is Pakistan’s only listed logistics aggregator entity. Our aim is to partner with all major players in transport and logistics sector to become a long term infrastructure provider / aggregator of commercial vehicles and thereby giving our shareholders the opportunity to invest through capital markets into the fast growing, lucrative Transport & Logistics Sector with the best in business partners.

  • 1986
    Company Founding Year
  • Logistics, Last Mile Courier, Edtech, Switchgear
    Preferred Industries/Sectors
  • Logistics, Edtech, Retail, Healthcare, Last Mile /Courier Services
    Recent Investment Sectors
  • Pakistan
    Geographical Focus
  • Sehat Kahani, Berlitz, Soya Supreme, Findtech
    Top Portfolio Companies
  • 10
    Total Investments
  • 5
    Lead Investor Investments
  • 5
    Follow-Up Investor Investments
  • 8
    Total Portfolio Companies
  • 150,000
    Typical Ticket Size (USD)
  • 3
    Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Logistics
    Value-Added Services


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