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Elaj Ghar is transforming healthcare in Pakistan by making quality medical services accessible through telemedicine. Our platform bridges the gap between patients and healthcare professionals, enabling virtual consultations, medical advice, and prescriptions from the comfort of home. With a commitment to innovation, convenience, and patient-centric care, we ensure secure and confidential healthcare services, particularly for those in remote areas. At Elaj Ghar, we believe in a future where healthcare knows no boundaries, delivering expert medical support with compassion and integrity, one virtual consultation at a time.

  • 2018
    Founding Year
  • 4
    Number of Founders
  • 15
    Total Team Members
  • 10
    Male Team Members
  • 5
    Female Team Members
  • Yes
    Funding Raised
  • Grant
    Type of Funding
  • 1/25/2025
    Last Funding Round
  • UNDP
    Lead Investor
  • 2
    Total Funding Rounds
  • Pre-seed
    Current Funding Stage
  • 1. Teladoc Health (USA) 2. Amwell (USA) 3. Practo (India) 4. Ping An Good Doctor (China) 5. HealthTap (USA) 6. Babylon Health (UK) 7. Halodoc (Indonesia)

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